President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the Inspector-General of the Police (IGP), Mr Olukayode Egbetokun have been asked to probe the “incessant and senseless killings and violent intimidation of the people of Kogi East by suspected thugs who have been allegedly given cover by security agencies.”
The call was made in a statement by an elite organisation of professionals of Kogi State extraction, Club 582.
In a press statement signed by its President Samuel Onekutu on Wednesday, the organization reacted to the killings in Anyigba on Tuesday morning, , the club said, “We are worried that despite the deployment of armed troops to the state for ‘Operation Safe Conduct’, Anyigba, the social and commercial headquarters of Igala land on Tuesday witnessed another show of senseless violence.
“As usual, there are conflicting reports. One said the political party in power in the state sent rogue troops, disguised as security agents to waylay the residence of a political opponent where five persons including a policeman were killed. Another report countered this and said a combined force of law enforcement officers went there to stamp out thugs.
“We, the entire members of Club 582 wish to appreciate the federal government for its commitment to peace and security in Kogi, Imo and Bayelsa states during the weekend election in the three states.
“We are particularly delighted that the government is determined to stamp out thuggery and the senseless killings that have come to define elections and the grim struggle for power in Kogi State. We have no cause to doubt the sincerity of government in its efforts to end the senseless killings orchestrated by political groups in the state.
“This election is the first to be conducted under the watch of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. We want our people to be given the assurance of the security of their lives and limbs during this election and at all other times so that they can make their contributions to the rapid growth of the national economy,” Onekutu said.