A New Year’s Eve celebration in Aliamanu turned tragic when a massive explosion, reportedly caused by illegal fireworks, left at least three dead and over 20 critically injured. The blast occurred just after midnight at a home on Keaka Drive, prompting a rapid response from first responders.
Officials confirmed two fatalities on the scene, with the death toll later rising to three. Police sources indicated it may increase further, reporting that homemade fireworks were recovered at the site. Describing the devastation, one official likened the scene to a “war zone,” citing how a tipped table triggered a chain reaction of explosions.
Governor Josh Green and Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi condemned the use of illegal fireworks, emphasizing the need for stricter enforcement and penalties. Mayor Blangiardi called the incident “absurd and unacceptable,” reiterating the risks illegal fireworks pose to public safety and community well-being.
Videos captured the aftermath, showing thick smoke enveloping the area as neighbors described the chaotic moments following the explosion. Witnesses reported hearing a low blast followed by commotion as ambulances, police, and fire crews arrived.
Emergency medical teams treated victims with severe burn and blast injuries, including shrapnel wounds and missing limbs. Honolulu EMS Director Jim Ireland noted that even seasoned first responders compared the scene to combat conditions.
Governor Green expressed condolences and highlighted ongoing efforts to combat illegal fireworks through an established task force, which has already seized 227,000 pounds of fireworks. He urged the public to prioritize safety and report illegal activity to prevent further tragedies.
The explosion also delayed The Sugar Bowl, an annual college football game scheduled nearby, for public safety reasons. The investigation into the incident is ongoing, with officials continuing to assess the damage and injuries caused by the blast.
Additional fireworks-related injuries were reported across Oahu on New Year’s Eve, including several critical cases involving severe hand and burn injuries. These incidents further underscored the dangers associated with the illegal use of fireworks.