On Saturday evening, some TikTok users found the platform inaccessible, with a message stating, “Sorry, TikTok isn’t available right now.” The alert further explained, “A law banning TikTok has been enacted in the U.S., which means you can’t use TikTok at the moment. However, President Trump has expressed willingness to work on a solution to reinstate the platform once he assumes office. Please stay tuned.”
The Supreme Court had upheld a law on Friday requiring TikTok to cut ties with its China-based parent company, ByteDance, by Sunday to avoid a ban. While the Biden administration announced it would not enforce the ban before Trump’s inauguration on Monday, TikTok stated it needed clearer assurances from the government to remain operational. In an interview with ABC News on Saturday, Trump indicated he might grant TikTok a 90-day extension to avoid a ban in the U.S.