On Thursday, President Bola Tinubu inaugurated newly built military barracks in Abuja to provide housing for Nigerian Army personnel. Named the “Bola Ahmed Tinubu Barracks,” the facility, located in Asokoro, includes accommodations for various ranks: 16 Major Generals, 34 Brigadier Generals, 60 Major-Colonel officers, 60 Lieutenant-Captain officers, 180 senior Non-Commissioned Officers, and 264 Corporals and below.
The barracks address the housing shortage for Army Headquarters personnel and other establishments, featuring amenities such as sports facilities, worship centers, roads, and a power house. During the inauguration, President Tinubu praised the Armed Forces as national heroes and reaffirmed his administration’s commitment to improving their welfare.
Acknowledging their dedication to the nation, he pledged continued support, emphasizing that enhancing troops’ welfare is essential for military success. The project, initiated on November 26, 2022, under Major General Philip Eromosele and funded by the late Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, was completed on January 9, 2025, by the current Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Olufemi Oluyede.
Dignitaries at the event included National Security Adviser Nuhu Ribadu, Defence Minister Badaru Abubakar, and several top government officials.