During Raw’s debut show on Netflix, the 72-year-old Hogan, who struggled to walk out of the tunnel, entered to his iconic “Real American” theme song with Jimmy Hart by his side, waving an American flag. While the crowd at the Intuit Dome in Los Angeles initially cheered for the music, the mood quickly shifted as over 17,000 fans began loudly booing Hogan.
Hogan took the stage to promote his Real American Beer and celebrate Raw’s premiere on Netflix, but things went downhill the moment he started speaking.
“In the past, I’ve had a whole bunch of partners down the line. I had incredible partners, like the Macho Man Randy Savage. I’ve had giant-sized partners like Andre the Giant,” Hogan said, his words nearly drowned out by the boos. “But the greatest partner the WWE has ever had is the fact that tonight, we’re making history, and the WWE has tag teamed up with Netflix, the greatest tag team partner of all time.”
After his pitch, Hogan appeared visibly upset and stormed off backstage.
Cassidy Haynes of BodySlam.net later reported on X (formerly Twitter) that Hogan was furious about the cold reception.
“Hulk walked to the back so mad. Amazing job Los Angeles,” Haynes wrote.
Hogan’s reception may stem from his years of controversy, including being caught on video making racist remarks and his appearance at the Republican National Convention to endorse then-President-elect Donald Trump.